Transformative Workshops with Joris Lechêne.

  • Anti-Racism Workshops

    These workshops are designed to both challenge systemic racism and deepen your understanding of systemic inequalities, combining academic knowledge with lived experiences to empower you in navigating difficult conversations.

  • Bias and Privilege Training

    Explore the dynamics of privilege and bias through interactive sessions and real-world examples to help you understand how those dynamics affect you.

  • Decoloniality Sessions

    Examine the impact of colonialism on modern society and strategies for decolonizing our workplace, practices and everyday life.

  • Specialized Workshops on Neurodivergence

    Neurodivergence advocacy focusing on the intersectionality of race, neurodivergence, class, and sexuality.

Our workshops are designed to be delivered by two trainers, providing complementary perspectives rooted in both academic knowledge and lived experience.